All information and instruction provided by the Milton Meditation Centre on its website, or in its courses or programs is provided in good faith. Neither the Milton Meditation Centre nor its proprietor/s, employees, agents and representatives will be legally liable for loss, damage or injury howsoever arising, either directly or as a consequence of participating in course programs and/or in reliance of information or instructions provided. The Milton Meditation Centre does not make any representations or warranties about the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information on the website, or in its courses or programs. The Milton Meditation Centre or its proprietor/s, employees, agents and representatives disclaim any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any action taken or reliance made by you or any third party on any information or material posted on the website, or through participation in its courses, programs or practices, however described.
All information and instruction provided by the Milton Meditation Centre on its website, or in its courses or programs is provided in good faith. Neither the Milton Meditation Centre nor its proprietor/s, employees, agents and representatives will be legally liable for loss, damage or injury howsoever arising, either directly or as a consequence of participating in course programs and/or in reliance of information or instructions provided. The Milton Meditation Centre does not make any representations or warranties about the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information on the website, or in its courses or programs. The Milton Meditation Centre or its proprietor/s, employees, agents and representatives disclaim any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any action taken or reliance made by you or any third party on any information or material posted on the website, or through participation in its courses, programs or practices, however described.